Featured Events

Member Game of the Month



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Submit Your Games!

We want to highlight your best chess game on the OKC Chess Club website! Each month you can submit your favorite game for a chance to have it featured here! We accept all types of games, but strong preference will be given to games that were played in-person, over the board. Even stronger preference will be given to USCF rated games.


You can submit a PGN or a link to your chess.com or Lichess game or study. If you have the ability to add your own annotations to the PGN or Lichess Study, please add those so we can understand your plans. If you can't add comments to the PGN or Lichess Study, please do the best you can to summarize the game in your own words in the body of the email.


We will never share the name or username of your opponent whether it was an OTB game or an online game.


Only one submission per month will be accepted per person. If you make multiple submissions, only the last one submitted will be reviewed.


Submit your games to submissions@chessokc.com

Member Tactic of the Week

Submit Your Tactics!

We want to highlight your chess genius on the OKC Chess Club website! Each week you can submit your favorite tactic from one of your own games for a chance to have your move featured here! We accept all types of games, but strong preference will be given to games/tactics that were played in-person, over the board. In order to be considered, you have to have found the tactic and played it in the actual game. Please don't submit tactics that you didn't find and play.


You can send a PGN or a link to your chess.com or Lichess game or study. Please indicate in your email the move number where the tactic occurred as well as which color you played.


We will never share the name or username of your opponent whether it was an OTB game or an online game.


Only one submission per week will be accepted per person. If you make multiple submissions, only the last one submitted will be reviewed.


Submit your games to submissions@chessokc.com